I owned and shot both as did my son. We both settled on the Luxe. I quite liked the DM14 but neither of us liked the stock trigger and try as we could we couldn't adjust it to how we wanted it (sping in or out). Ergonomically I felt the Luxe just shaded it but as everyone's hand size, arm length etc are different this is a personal opinion rather than an objective one. Bolt out back off the DM14 was easy to operate and servicing the bolt very straight forward. Luxe was also simple but slightly more involved to service (maybe an extra minute or to). I find the Luxe more finnicky in terms of servicing as it can be a bit of a pain if the orings aren't quite right (don't believe every oring of the same size is identical as they are not and the Luxe seemed more bothered about this than the DM14). Both shot fine but I did find the luxe smoother and quieter but the DM was more efficient. Ultimately it came down to the fact that in training we were more accurate with the Luxe and felt more instinctive in our shots when using this. Neither marker is more accurate than the other and I attribute the ergonomics of the marker (complete with hopper and correct bottle setup) to be the reason why we both preferred the Luxe. Other will prefer the DM trigger over the Luxe and will find the ergonomics of the DM suits them better. Having shot a number of DM's, GEO's and Luxes I have come to the opinion that markers are generally as accurate as each other so your choice in marker will come down to purely personal reasons which is why you should not purchase on others opinions. Smoothness, noise and air efficiency will all be prioritised differently by different people (which is why your marker choice is individual to you). you will not go wrong with either choice as they are all good markers but for helping you to make that instinctive shot ergonomics may play a bigger role than any hype you may read. Practice is also the other skipped over fact. If you practice with any marker for long enough it will become instinctive, if you change your marker every two months you have to learn a slight ergonomic adjustment every time. I learnt this the hard way and after purchasing too many markers to admit to I stuck with the Luxe for the whole of last season and I am now playing more consistently. It hasn't miraculously changed me into a greater player I just feel I hit my shots more consistently than before and I attribute this to consistently using the same marker rather than some arcane trait of the marker itself. In a nutshell, don't believe the hype, try for yourself and choose the marker that seems the most instinctive to you regardless of what your friends or team mates may be using.