OK guys, been out the scene for a good 2 years. Ended up moving to Cornwall and got totally swallowed up by surfing. Ive just popped my head up from the water like a seal to search for fellow ballers.......where the bloody hell is everyone! I know of 1 person in Cornwall who plays, he says there's hardly any walk ons and most people just attend big tournaments. This is madness!! Am I missing something? Wheres the love for the sport gone! When I lived a Brickett Wood it was MASSIVE! I'm thinking of making some YouTube videos, pushing some events, get some exposure at markets and street festivals letting people know that going to delta force isn't paintball! More people in the sport is a good thing and I think with the right motivation we could get a right little scene going in Cornwall!!
If you're down this way and I don't know you add me on FB Sam Knottyloxx Crouch. I wanna play some bloody PAINTBALL!!!!!!!!
If you're down this way and I don't know you add me on FB Sam Knottyloxx Crouch. I wanna play some bloody PAINTBALL!!!!!!!!