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What's your favorite part of the magazine?


Well-Known Member
This is a bit of a two parter, aside from your favorite section of the mag', what would you consider to be your favorite article?

Looking past the fact that Pete won't allow me to date his daughter, I'd say, 'Robbo's View,' is my favorite section of the magazine. My favorite article would have to be one by Eric Felix about six years ago. The thing is, I can't remember if it was about burn-out, or just a general apathy in regards to playing. He was boosting one of his 'mates over the phone, and the lecture he gave his friend was every bit as inspirational to me. You can see how important this was to me by seeing how little I remember of it :rolleyes: , but I do recall how it made me feel. It helped me to leave my team I was playing for at the time, make myself happy by playing with who I wanted to, instead of who I felt obligated to. My attitude about everything changed, not just paintball, my entire outlook on life. You may wonder how screwed up a person has to be to have an article in a paintball magazine improve his LIFE, and I'll just say, "pretty screwed up," but it really was an outstanding article to me. Alright, I really don't foresee anyone else admitting to anything as extreme as this, so don't feel bad if PGI hasn't made you a billionaire, or at peace with the world, I'm just curious about where your focus lies inside the magazine.
Take care, all.;)


VW's are the game
I like to see the adverts!:p Well are we talking about this months issue or are we talking about all around parts of the mag? I liked Robbo's article about the NO Look rule and I liked the Chemistry Article writen by Justin Owen. To be real honest I haven't had a single complaint about the magazine at all. By far more superior to some of the ones I was buying from the US. One thing they should get rid of is Joe Shmoe and do a Local Teams section or something. Just my 2 cents!
Scetio would have to be tactics and technique

No- magazine comes close to PGI at teaching players of all levels how top improve their game.

Best writer? Felix was da bomb, but nowadays? Who has the charm, wit, intelligence, looks an' game of King Erik? Which PGI writer is the undisputed King of Cool, the God of Ball, the Prince of p8nt?

I think we all know...and no, it don't rhyme with 'Hobo'.




Well-Known Member
Rooster, I thought you'd figure out that you could pull an article from any issue since I refferred to one from six years ago.:rolleyes: You are supposed to be defending our country, right?;)

Teej, are talking about Speedy? I don't think he writes for you anymore. Who are you talking about?:confused: .....;)

I was going to say Anthony Jones, but it doesn't rhyme with blister wig. HA-HA!.....oh, forget it.