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What will 2003 Bring?

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
We got's us a real life PB war, kids, and it's turning into a snooze fest. And I'm bored--so let's start predicting where paintball will be by the end of the year.

Best Event.
Best Series.
Biggest Disappointment.
Biggest Surprise.
Television or no television?
Will the NXL survive?
Will RL win an event this year?
Who wins the PB war?

You wanna add a category--go for it. And get to predicting--I will dredge this thread up at the end of the year--and declare a winner. While you're at it you can predict what prize you'll win, too.
Best Event: Huntington Beach
Best Series: NPPL
Biggest Disappointment: Designer gun cheats
Biggest Surprise: Aftershock puts a team into NPPL and wins last three events
Television or no television? Nope, not for either for '03, but '04...
Will the NXL survive? Yep, but tha non-competition clause will go
Will RL win an event this year? Not in tha US
Who wins the PB war? Tha players

Prize: A trilby to wear at a jaunty angle?


New Member
Mar 18, 2002
Reading UK
Visit site
Best Event: Miami Super 7
Best Series. Super 7
Biggest Disappointment. My playing abilities.
Biggest Surprise. Piper says no to a pie.
Television or no television? Nope.
Will the NXL survive? If the "can't play elsewhere" clause goes then yes.
Will RL win an event this year? Nope they are doomed to another second place.
Who wins the PB war? The atlanteans using it as training for their intergalactic war with the splurgoth.

Prize: A training session with flashpoint.


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
Best Event. Toulouse
Best Series. NPPL
Biggest Disappointment. Todd Adamson loses weight
Biggest Surprise. Duffy learns how to kill people
Television or no television? no
Will the NXL survive? yes
Will RL win an event this year? as much as it hurts to say it NO
Who wins the PB war? Companies

Oi Baca what is your prediction for this then.



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Best Event: Campaign
Series: NPPL
Biggest disapointment: Me getting continously gogged
Television or no television: Nopeski
Will the NXL survive: If teams are not tied in the way they are nwo
Will RL win an event this year: Would hope so, they deserve to win for many reasons.
Who wins the PB war: I say Frodo from LOTR, quality small front player reminding me of most of Dynastys front line.

Prize: Can't beat some Doughnuts :)


I won't, I'm a pacifist...

Best Event: Amsterdam
Best Series. Tie between Cagney and Lacey and The Fall Guy
Biggest Disappointment. PGI Sharks - all of em disappoint me every training session
Biggest Surprise. Dynasty don't win every Super 7
Television or no television? Not telling...
Will the NXL survive? Yep
Will RL win an event this year? Yes, Amsterdam or Campaign
Who wins the PB war? Palmer Pursuit Products

Prize: A puppy


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
Best Event - Huntingdon Beach Super 7's
Best Series - Nppl super 7's
Biggest Disappointment - English paintball not adopting the 7 man format in all series.
Biggest Surprise - nexus not coming in top three of an event in USA
Television or no television - no television
Will the NXL survive - maybe
Will RL win an event this year - yes
Who wins the PB war - players

chicken kebab with hot chilli sauce and mayo with the rest of the trimmings?!?!?! :p


Mother, is that you?
Best Event - the one that turns in a profit.
Best Series - not bothered
Biggest Disappointment - US Paintball's implosion.
Biggest None Surprise - the captains of industry didn't know what the fk they were doing after all.
Television or no television? - Yes, and this year. But spectacle viewing of one (or two events) and nout so elaborate as some/we hoped.
Will the NXL survive? - nup, End of oct/begining of Nov is curtains.
Will RL win an event this year? - nup
Who wins the PB war? - no one, it fks us all up.

Prize: money please.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Best event : Unsurprisingly Huntingdon Beach

Best Series : NPPL

Biggest Disappointment : Millennium Board's handling of X-Ball

Biggest Surprise : Piper going on a diet

Television or no television? : Yes

Will the NXL survive? : Hmmmm, no comment

Will RL win an event this year? : I fackin hope so

Who wins the PB war? : Hmmm, no comment

Prize : A squeegie