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What to do about bad Tourney Paint

Rob Giffin

New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Hertford, UK
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I was wondering if there's anyway to hopefully ensure you get good paint on Tourney day.

We've just played a tourney this weekend and found that all 6 boxes of blaze we had been sold on the day were way below the usual diablo standards. We were having balls breaking in the breach and barrels and we're all using vision impulses and have not experienced this before.

We also found it almost impossible to get a ball to fly straight, almost like the paint had been sitting around for several weeks (as we probably suspect).

How do you lot avoid this problem?



Alex Hicks.

Just your average lunatic
Jul 14, 2001
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Take it back to the guys you bought it from and tell them. Usually most suppliers will try to change it if they can and there is actually a problem. Most suppliers will actually let you open each box befoe buying and look at the balls to see if round. Zap actually often let you take a sample of each type of paint to try before you select what you use on the day.
Try some other brands: Zap pro European is the best and most consitant paint I have shot. My previous team used to shoot diablo and I found that batch to batch consitancy was not good: although the paint would shoot straight, some batches were a lot more brittle than others.


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Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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We (the Chicks) are lucky enough to have 2 great site owners in the team, so we order the tournament paint directly from Diablo to be delivered along with the site paint. As both site owners are fussy about how it's stored we never have any problems with it (the Blaze really rocked yesterday).

However, I've played with other teams & used paint that has been absolute pants, and I suspect that the storage has been to blame.


Imature member
In my experience with bad tourney paint, there has been little we've been able to do about the situation. Being isolated here in New Zealand doesn't help. At a tourney last year, every bag of Marbalizer we had had a break in it, and 90% of the balls were rugby ball shaped. The supplier’s response was "Well what do you want me to do about it?". Needless to say the relationship with the supplier was a little strained. But he is at the mercy of what he is supplied, so I kinda felt for him. This was in a string of poor quality paint from RPS, so we really started shopping around.

So what can you do? Try to have a real good relationship with your supplier and in the event you have a situation like you describe, point out to them how disappointed you are and see what they can do for you...

Alex Hicks.

Just your average lunatic
Jul 14, 2001
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At site paint only events everyone is in the same boat anyway. Still worth taking your first lot back and seeing if paint from a different batch is better. Try changing colour, I know it sounds silly but different colours are from different batches and therefore could shoot completely different if it isn't a particularly consistant paint or one lot has been hanging around longer than the other.
hi all

As I have been running site paint only events due to player freindly pricing sytem. I think it's the organiser dutty to suplly the best possible paint. If you are sent bad or substandard paint a poliet complain needs to be lodged. How else can we let the manufactures know what we want, obviously players vote with their walletts and won't keep buying **** paint.

If you get sent bad paint there is little you can do for it but it really is a shame when paint gets damaged due to poor storage or transportaion. Looking after paint is a pain and time consuming. spend 30 mins lugging and turning boxes or watch telly, chat to mates? every 2 days! virtually 360 days of the year.

If, If there is a problem with the paint, then if at all possible I always try to swap it and if I can't I do let my supliers know so something can be done.

Paint winging is down to storage if it's not turned the fill settles and then they don't fire straight far more so than flat spots and you can't tell from looking at them either only firing them. Eventually we are going to get nice hot weather and hot swety balls are the worse, you can't fix them. Just means you have to get them into suitably warm but not sunny inviroment asp as soon as they get delivered. Great fun 100 boxes on your own who needs the gym not me and piper :)

As I have always said when buying paint buy from a supplier with good reputation not some one with a few cases cheep if you can get it in person tell them what it's for and what you want and remeber you go get what you pay for so. Why spend thousands on kit entry and travel and shoot crap paint might as well stay glued to sofa.

and if you paint is crap and your stuck with it we've all been there just go for it make the most of it and learn from it.


peace love hugs and cookies and getting arms to match robbo well at least baking arm lol


Apr 24, 2002
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easily solved

Jus get their 1st to skank the best paint at the top of the pile or if they are rotten gits jus ask for the stuff they hide in the van for their friends or big time teams.....needing a whiff of green under their noses may help *wink* ;)

Jus seeing the faces of their friends when their paint is makin their barrels look like a toilet accident :D is picture perfect

Rob Giffin

New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Hertford, UK
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Cheers for the replies, It always SEEMED to be a lot eaiser to buy the paint at the site, that way we're not travelling and lugging around 6+ boxes of paint for the team. Although I think I'm now starting to change my mind

In this case I think it was the only choice of paint on the day, so we felt a little bit stuffed from the begining, although the suggestion about going for another colour was a good idea, shame I didn't think to check on the day.

Sparklie Chick was talking about proper handling/storage of the paint. Do you have any recomendations on, temperature, how often they should be turned and how long you can keep paint for before it starts to not fly straight?



Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Paint is best stored at room temperature. Also, it's a good idea to turn the box(es) onto another side every two or three days. This will prevent the paint from getting dimpled.
This way paint can be stored for a reasonable amount of time, say a month easily. Pay attention when it gets real hot outside, or real cold. Put the paint in a place that's not influenced too much by outside and ambient temperatures. Cold will make the paint brittle, and will cause breach and barrel breaks. Heat will make the paint start to 'sweat', which will make it sticky, which again leads to all sorts of annoyance.