My personal favouriote moment was a blinding game against Lighning down at Bullswood Skirmish about a year or so ago.
We were down to 3 players, they were down to 1. Colby (of banzai fame i think) did a walk against us, I was a muppet, and didn't realise. He settled down into a bunker behind us (!!) and proceeded to take one of us out.
I sent mark back to squash him, and looked at my clock. 2 minutes left of the game. better do something quick, like.
So I decided sod it, and left mark to deal with colby and legged it downfield to fetch yonder flag. I get to their flag base, just about to grab flag but notice a flash of blue out the corner of my eye. bugger, I think....then notice he has our flag. and that he is considerably larger than Colby.
Anyway, we start trading, I look at my clock again and notice there are only 25 seconds left of the game. I think ARRGGHH...we can't lose after we've come so close, so I bide my time until I know he's come out of the right hand side of his bunker, then I leg it for the flag while he can't see me. Grab flag, run up parrallel to him, and find, to my joy, that he is still firing on my previous position.
POP POP. 'tis done. Check clock. 10 sconds. RUN FORREST RUN!!!!
Make it in on the dying second!!!
that was my favourite....I like close games....
Anyway, that day we won 5, drew 1 and lost 2. and we *still* came rock does that work??