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what is a good marker


Dont run you'll be tired when I shot U
Oct 20, 2012
What is a good marker for making into a snipper and what things would you do


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2013
Something that can shoot First Strike Rounds, much better accuracy at long range and more stable then a regular .68, personally I'd go for a Dye Dam, give you the option to use both hopper and mags, and even both on the fly.

As for 'sniping' in general, scopes are not the best with use in paintball, can be a pain to look down with a mask, so think about additional items you will need to get such as rail risers.

Overall a Dye dam as it's universal, mags are relatively cheap.

However if you are looking for a cheaper option, take a look at the tacamo kits.


Dont run you'll be tired when I shot U
Oct 20, 2012
Yea thanks for that but I have an a5 at the moment trying to give it the add ons for good looks etc


Nov 27, 2006
Depends on what you are after from a 'sniper'

There is no advantage to a sniper style gun over a standard style gun. They are more of a disadvantage in that they are bigger and bulkier

Everyone going into a game has the same velocity maximum and are therefore on a level playing field. The difference being matching paint and barrel (and adjusting to preference of a match, overbore or under bore depending on opinion and testing)

With firststrikes over paintballs you can get an advantage, but have to drop velocity to switch paint unless you are only using first strike. The a5 won't feed first strike
FS perform differently due to the fin design, giving extra range but less energy at range, and a straighter / more consistent flight path
Add a cross bow scope and a lot of time / money into target practice and you get predictable results

A long barrel beyond the optimum point just takes more air to push further up the barrel and therefore is less efficient

For the sniper look the a5 has a good start in that body kits are plentiful, add a long barrel, shroud stock and bipod and you're there.but it won't be cheap

We rebuilt one converting an ops gear body kit when my mate sold his a5

Originaly the a5 in a Barret body kit was just giant and cumbersome which meant it was never used
I had a pcs us5 which is pretty much an a5 clone, with a stupidly long barrel this was very accurate
For intimidation value we tweaked the body kit and installed on the us5

We found this perfect in one particular situation - sitting on top of a hill suppressing the tower which dominated defence of a village
Then when the tower was clear dump the rifle and move in with a normal gun