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what first?


The End is Nigh!
Mar 3, 2002
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What 1st?

I think the majority of people start by getting their own goggles, then going for a marker afterwards.

Coz there's more soooo many markers to choose from!

If, when you go and play there are some walkon guys, ask whether you can have a go on the practice range with guns, everyone likes to show off their shinney toys!:D
That way you can get a feel of what kind of gun your after.

Other deciding factors; electro or manual? How much funds you got?


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York
What 1st?

Originally posted by Gargoyle
I think the majority of people start by getting their own goggles, then going for a marker afterwards.

Coz there's more soooo many markers to choose from!

If, when you go and play there are some walkon guys, ask whether you can have a go on the practice range with guns, everyone likes to show off their shinney toys!:D
That way you can get a feel of what kind of gun your after.

Other deciding factors; electro or manual? How much funds you got?
ya thats the biggist thing how much can you spend? if you have $200 or less you can buy real low end guns and not have that much choice.$200-400 alot more markers more better quality.then from there the $500-?,??? price range is what u buy being angels and autocockers and suck or customizing your gun.

as for which to buy first, i bought both at the same time because what good is a gun with out a mask and vise versa. but you dont need tojust decide what kind of mask and gun youd like, like most people save up and buy like a tippman 98 beginners player kit, comes with tippmann 98 gun co2 tank barrel plug and hopper for like 200 or less, but the tippman 98 is self is in the $200 range. that pack is quite good for a beginer set up compaired to others. eventually you can upgrade yoou gun or buy a new one and as for masks, i recomend the jt protius


I'm the only Tigger
Mar 26, 2002
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what first

Many moon's ago... in a far far away galaxy... i brought my JT thermals first, followed by my highly brillant (NOT) first pump action ( a coxy's marauder ) and have upgraded from there, one word of warning you never get much when you try t sell on your first gun. Took me a couple of years to sort it enough to get an F1 illistrator when it came out. I say start with nice googles, and play a little more, maybe see a big tourney , i help out at mayhem '94 which was a great experance for a young player, showed me how it all works on big day's. But most important HAVE FUN :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

" It never has been, nor shall be or is currently my fault"


How, what, why,????
Feb 19, 2002
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Every one is saying the same thing and they all have the right idea, gat a decent mask with some good lenses definatly go for the thermal lenses to prevent fogging up.
id much rather be able to see what im doing and have a gun not working rather then having a good gun and not being able to see :p

if you dont know thermal lenses have two lenses seperated by a liece of foam. They work on the same principle as double glazing.


Whip it out..
Mar 24, 2002
Ellesmere Port
Sorry tortoise-licker...but i cant remember the going rate for a pair of eyes..but i can ask dangerous dave :D :D :D

'e is well up for it ;)

Dear tom goth


Every one for once agrees and is speacking sence:D

Get the best pair of goggles you can and try on more than one pair and don't even think about not buying thermals. Once you have them look after them and if you are playing regularly expect to replace the lenses every 6 months (it's always a good idear to have a spare any way)

Markers ect just get your self down to your local feild ask nicley good tip start by admiring X toy and see if they will let you try it out in the range. Price range is always a pain but it dose depend on what you are planning to do. If you get a half decent marker 100 200 pound mark you can nearly always sell it on for pretty much the same if you look after it and it dose not become too out dated.

Big tourneys often have good deals no stuff and you get to look at loads of top players doing their thing. Just a though you do not say were you are from if so we could help you more.:)

Peace love and cookies
