Thanks to all of you that played Swarm 2 and threw yourselves into the action with reckless abandon on Sunday; we all enjoyed a day of hard fought ‘ballin. You all played hard but fair and it made for some awesome firefights, counterpointed by some insightful use of the terrain to pull off some excellent stealthy outflanking manoeuvres. Good stuff!
Tasked with stealing the weapon technology of the W.A.S.P, both teams pursued their goal through the day with gusto, tearing through the opposition to capture samples, hives, research data, and vital locations. Employing a canny mix of aggression and tactical acumen, SwarmCorp (red team) were a fierce opposition for the “hit-hard, hit-fast” approach of GeneCo (yellow team). Thanks to a good, hard hit early on, the yellow team took an early lead, stealing victory in the opening game sessions. Despite pulling out some individually excellent tactical efforts, the back-footed SwarmCorp operatives couldn’t get enough of a coordinated counter-attack in place to disrupt the GeneCo onslaught.
Spurred on by their opposition’s success, SwarmCorp brought the hammer down on GeneCo’s sweeping style of play. Switching to a “seize and capture” strategy, SwarmCorp sent in a wave of swift front runners to capture the objective(s) and retreat to a secure defensive perimeter that allowed them to effectively minimise the effectiveness of GeneCo machine. Great team work that resulted in a well-earned victory.
With their tactics now honed, both teams hit each other head-on in the final battle to control the vital comms uplink and a furious firefight ensued over the fortifications, whilst stealthy skirmishers from each team harried the flanks, seeking the opposition’s most vulnerable position to strike a killing blow. After a prolonged and telling battle the aggression of GeneCo (tempered with a little patience) brought them victory over the determined and continuous SwarmCorp assault, extracting enough of the necessary research material to corporate HQ for GeneCo to reproduce the deadly W.A.S.P. project and bring it to the open market as a saleable weapon, available to anyone with enough currency. The Swarm has been resurrected and the next chapter of this deadly story will unfold in 12 months time...only time will tell where the Swarm will land next...
Shout outs to the following players:
Player of the Day: Lee Hicks. Taking a calm, collected view of the battlefield, Lee put some ace leadership skills into play; gathering a fire-team around him on more than one occasion before guiding them with a cool head to hit the opposition as a unit. It didn’t always work but Lee kept at it and jumped in guns blazing to lead from the front when necessary – it’s not all about the personal kills, Lee went out of his way to bring some focus to the fighting and keep things fluid. Awesome attitude, and top-notch play!
The Custer Award: Luke Stevens. Named for the famous American general, this award goes out to a player that pulls off a move that results in a (occasionally ill-conceived) famous last stand. Through bravery, bravado, or just plain craziness, if you have the gumption to put yourself face to face with the bad-guys and go down guns blazing (even if it is just for the entertainment of your team mates), you deserve an award in my book!
In full-on pursuit of victory, Luke ditched his marker, grabbed a vital objective and dove cart-wheeling into the midst of a four foot deep trench to post it home. Gunless and nose to nose with the opposition, Luke survived a mugging (through a surprising turn of luck) and was mercilessly gunned down by his own gun-buddies whilst shouting for cover-fire. An epic and entertaining move, he’s definitely set the bar high for future winners of this award!
Sasha and Lucy: “Ladies” with attitude (and a very good eye for the field) these girls put themselves in the right place, at the right time again and again. Nicely done.
Sam: A lady with a death wish! Sam went above and beyond for her team, at the cost of her own comfort most of the time!
The guys from Team Womble: if at first you don’t succeed...try plan B! If that doesn’t work...JUST SHOOT THEM

Some nice sneaky play, some nice in-ya-face play, and some GREAT suicide runs! Smiling all the time, these guys know where it’s at...having fun!
Once again, thanks to everyone for a great standard of play, plenty of aggression from you all but all in the right place, at the right time and plenty of smiles all over!
Pictures from the day can be found on the
Warped Club Facebook page and watch this space for the next event at Warped Cosford, Lockdown 2!