Hello, Guys Parksey here, just landed back from the NvS Big Game, after 2 long weeks at the event game site, i'am finaly back home at Warped HQ.
I have been asked to run and produce the next great game for all you players out there, Lockdown 3 Redemption.
Here is some info for you guys.
The game zone is set in a prison without walls ( Serucurex Maximum Security Prison Cosford )
This years game will have for the first time 3 Factions and will be ran by some top paintball players
Faction 1 Shotgun Steve leader of the prisons A wing ( Steve Piatt ) Shotgun Steve is a one of the most violent and disrupted prisoners in the penal system to date, killed 3 privateer guards at his last Prison SMSP Usk.
He is in isolation at present, but has lots of prison Dollar's for thoses who can break him out.
Faction 2 Scarface John leader of the prisons B wing ( Marc Lavelle ) Scarface John runs his B wing to order, he sorts matters out his own way, he is a big hard man, and is very intelligent, an IQ of 141 he knows a lot of people with prison contraband and Dollar's, if there is a deal to be done, he will deal, but don't trust him, he would sell his own shadow.
Faction 3 Mr Forbes and his prison privateer guards ( Dave Jack ) Mr Forbes has been looking after penal facililies all his life, and is no fool, when the HPM prison guards where dismissed 25 year ago, he inlisted privateer guards to help him keep the inmates in order in all private state prisons. he has his fingers in all the pies, he will pay you in prison Dollar's for info on other inmates, then give your name out has a grass, he will also deal in prison dollar's and contraband to anyone.
I'am fully aware that in that in some multi faction games, I have seen or played in the past, they soon turn to mush, with players running around not knowing where to go or there objective, NOT here guys, a full game timeline has been produced for real time play in the game, and with each faction having a 40 player cap on them, the plan is simple, keep it small, keep players well informed, keep it FUN.
Outline of the game, each faction will be given detailed Action Cards at the start and during the game, they will tell each faction to steal, bribe, lie, blag, comform, double deal or even snatch players out of the game with handcuffs, as the game flows and your faction complete's it's Action Cards, you will then be awarded with Prison Dollar's to buy prison contraband to make deals with, to make more prison Dollar's, the more you make the more you win.
In a prison without walls no one can leave, you have only one choice, choose you faction, then play your game.
Date 30/06/12
Time 8.30am
Venue Cosford Paintball site Wolverhampton
Price buy now £50.00 or £55.00 after 31/05/12
Price Warped Club buy now £45.00
Rental £10.00 Extra on all game fees
All entry fees include 1 box paint / air fills / co2 fills
Paint @ £30.00 a box thereafter
A £10.00 deposit please when you book: balance on game day
If you want to be part of a paticular Faction please book ASAP, as this game is capped at 40 players per Faction, if you book in late, and can not enter that Faction, you will be asked you next Faction choice.
Thank you for reading, we will see you guys in the middle on 30th June.
Parksey Warped Paintball
I have been asked to run and produce the next great game for all you players out there, Lockdown 3 Redemption.
Here is some info for you guys.
The game zone is set in a prison without walls ( Serucurex Maximum Security Prison Cosford )
This years game will have for the first time 3 Factions and will be ran by some top paintball players
Faction 1 Shotgun Steve leader of the prisons A wing ( Steve Piatt ) Shotgun Steve is a one of the most violent and disrupted prisoners in the penal system to date, killed 3 privateer guards at his last Prison SMSP Usk.
He is in isolation at present, but has lots of prison Dollar's for thoses who can break him out.
Faction 2 Scarface John leader of the prisons B wing ( Marc Lavelle ) Scarface John runs his B wing to order, he sorts matters out his own way, he is a big hard man, and is very intelligent, an IQ of 141 he knows a lot of people with prison contraband and Dollar's, if there is a deal to be done, he will deal, but don't trust him, he would sell his own shadow.
Faction 3 Mr Forbes and his prison privateer guards ( Dave Jack ) Mr Forbes has been looking after penal facililies all his life, and is no fool, when the HPM prison guards where dismissed 25 year ago, he inlisted privateer guards to help him keep the inmates in order in all private state prisons. he has his fingers in all the pies, he will pay you in prison Dollar's for info on other inmates, then give your name out has a grass, he will also deal in prison dollar's and contraband to anyone.
I'am fully aware that in that in some multi faction games, I have seen or played in the past, they soon turn to mush, with players running around not knowing where to go or there objective, NOT here guys, a full game timeline has been produced for real time play in the game, and with each faction having a 40 player cap on them, the plan is simple, keep it small, keep players well informed, keep it FUN.
Outline of the game, each faction will be given detailed Action Cards at the start and during the game, they will tell each faction to steal, bribe, lie, blag, comform, double deal or even snatch players out of the game with handcuffs, as the game flows and your faction complete's it's Action Cards, you will then be awarded with Prison Dollar's to buy prison contraband to make deals with, to make more prison Dollar's, the more you make the more you win.
In a prison without walls no one can leave, you have only one choice, choose you faction, then play your game.
Date 30/06/12
Time 8.30am
Venue Cosford Paintball site Wolverhampton
Price buy now £50.00 or £55.00 after 31/05/12
Price Warped Club buy now £45.00
Rental £10.00 Extra on all game fees
All entry fees include 1 box paint / air fills / co2 fills
Paint @ £30.00 a box thereafter
A £10.00 deposit please when you book: balance on game day
If you want to be part of a paticular Faction please book ASAP, as this game is capped at 40 players per Faction, if you book in late, and can not enter that Faction, you will be asked you next Faction choice.
Thank you for reading, we will see you guys in the middle on 30th June.
Parksey Warped Paintball
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