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Wanted air, cradles, JT fan why


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Items Wanted

Dye bottle cover 1.1/68 in yellow only

Inverse dovetail mounting rail for Max Flow reg

Angel air compact drop

3000 psi fixed output hp air - 0.8l fine

JT Vortex Fan

I would only like good items (especially the bottle cover - as new please) not knocked about kit with knackered threads and full of smegy paint! Please be prepared to send pics, can do PayPal, won't be at any events over the next month due to work/family etc. so all items will need posting.


knee is broken again :[
Dec 3, 2004
West Mids
I've a got one of the old max flo cradles off my oooold impy...its in really good nick, in black.

Make me an offer dude, paypal preffered!
Compact drop..

i may have an angel air compact drop forward going soon, when my new max flo micro decides to turns up... ill keep you posted.

as for the vortex fan, ive got a knackered one for spares if you need it. all the electronics work (or did last time i checked..) its just the casing thats knackered, making it noisy as hell. you can have it for the price of postage... £4 via paypal?