Well, now that I've finally been to a European event (and the best one ever at that!) I guess I can speak on the matter as to what US tournaments lack SEVERELY at times.
1. women
2. other adoring fans in masses
3. well structured atmosphere (depending on the event...WPF's are pretty good about it, but other leagues are lacking)
5. swift air lines -- The Toulouse air setup was excellent, with a dozen or so hoses coming off the compressor to connect and refill in a flash.
6. friendliness -- Too often it's either rush off to do business or sit on your ass and pout since ya hung out one second too long and got knocked out of the semis for it, neither of which makes for much conversation at tourneys. Hey, anytime we've come hundreds of miles, shelled out gobs of money we only have a chance to see some of back, and put in the best playing we can under the circumstances for what sometimes can seem eternity, shouldn't we be able to talk, laugh, drink, and carry on with people instead of being all too serious or sometimes standoff-ish? I think so. Paintball may be serious fun, but it should still be primarily fun. It's great to be able to talk to other teams in more meaningful and friendly terms than just "Check your hopper a$$]=[0le!" or "Hey, I hit you in the mask TWICE before you even came around!"
7. advertising -- Obviously promoters and vendors overlook the money they could be making from concessions, clothing, posters, and other merchandise if they'd bother to advertise the events to the public and get non-player attendence up. Come on people, a few posters or billboards around town, a few sets of bleachers, and a program. This isn't hard. Pet shows get more outside attention than paintball...isn't it about time we did something about that?