Is it worth joining if a newbie
Any help thanks
I say yes, but it's up to you and what you deem worth it to you.
On a practical basis you get nothing special for joining the UKPSF. Sites may give you a discount, but I don't think there are many doing that these days.
There is UKPSF insurance when playing at an acredditied venue or event - but read the small print. It covers for injuries and loss of earnings, but these are serious injuries not twisting your ankle etc. For loss of earnings it won't be enough to cover a self employed (or zero hours contract) guy who can't work next week.
For me I get much more cover just as part of my job. If this sort of thing is needed then look into other personal injury/specialist sports insurance.
But joining gives your support to the UKPSF and helps them do their stuff for paintball, and if it interests you then its another tick in the box on the way to recognition by Sports England etc
You have a couple of choices on membership - full player membership with insurance or basic player membership without the insurance (and your whole fee goes into the UKPSF budget)