Morning All.
With the last round of the UKWM fast approaching on the 28th of October, myself, Twizz and Dave are looking a head to what we can do to bring more players in to the fold for 2019.
Therefore we will be running a walkon at the Holmbush top site, something which hasn't been done for over half a decade.
With all the field improvements we've made, we think its a great time to get all players together for a fun day out.
If you need to borrow kit, then get in touch
Price details to follow shortly and keep an eye on the UK Woodland Masters Page on Facebook
With the last round of the UKWM fast approaching on the 28th of October, myself, Twizz and Dave are looking a head to what we can do to bring more players in to the fold for 2019.
Therefore we will be running a walkon at the Holmbush top site, something which hasn't been done for over half a decade.
With all the field improvements we've made, we think its a great time to get all players together for a fun day out.
If you need to borrow kit, then get in touch
Price details to follow shortly and keep an eye on the UK Woodland Masters Page on Facebook