Team Directory
Why are the teams not included on the directory pages ???
Why are there so few teams???
It is not a true representation of UK paintball!!!
The answer is simply - the directory has been running for 2-3 months and in that time only the teams on the directory have filled the form in. I can't create an entry if I don't have the information. The link is above, fill the form in and the entry will appear 7/10 days later.
Like any directory you can't create a list if no one supplied the information.
Are they all UKPSF members??
No - there are teams who have submitted information who are not members and I have included their entry. I would hope they would join one day.
Incidentally all players who have played three legs of the Series 2002 will have their membership paid for by the Series 2002 in May.
With his UKPSF head on this time
Still not a lot of hair on the head