Radcliffe, Manchester
Radcliffe, Manchester
Paintball Clinic for all abilitys
Hosted by Planet Eclipse's own Nicky T
Hosted by Planet Eclipse's own Nicky T
If you fancy developing your skills or fine-tuning what you already know, this is your chance.
Nicky T, formely of Nexus, Tigers and Shockwave and now the NPPL's official webcast commentator, will be hosting a workshop at Proaktiv Paintball.
The event starts at 10:00am and will consist of a day's training from this well-respected professional and a chance to ask any questions, perform drills and play some hardcore paintball until your legs won't work anymore
The setting will be on our full-size Millenium field.
The cost to participate in this event will be £25 per person.
Decent paint will be available at £25 per box (2000)
Proaktiv's local team, The Outlawz, will also be there to chill out with.
If you have any questions, please drop me a PM or email
otherwise we'll see you there.
otherwise we'll see you there.
For directions, visit and click the logo
Please post your interest below so we have an idea of numbers.
Nick will provide further details below.