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Tournament Organisers (Temple, Bullswood etc)


New Member
Jul 16, 2001
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I've been playing paintball for over a year now and i've played paintball always on the Sunday... But how come there is no tournaments on a Saturday? Sometimes you play tournaments on a Saturday like the Millennium Series (over 2 - 3 days), or 2 - 3 day advents but no single day tournaments. How come? Would you ever consider playing a tournament on a saturday?


Admirer of Nick T's hair
Jul 16, 2001
East Grinny, UK!
Saturday tourney's


A few reasons for one day tourney's mainly happening on Sunday's.
Firstly, Saturday may be a work day for some players (so may Sunday you cry, which is true but less so).
Secondly, Saturday's are often the only day people can go shopping. They like to keep them free so they can get things done.
Thirdly, on a rec-ball site such as Bullswood, Saturdays tend to have more players than on a Sunday. It's good business sense to hold a tourney on a day which is going to be quiter player-wise. Less inpact on your income.
Fourthly, Sunday's are traditional!

I personally prefer tourney's on a Sunday.
Of course I have to state the rider that these are are personal opinions, not the opinions of other tournament organiser's or even of 'da management' at Bullswood.

It would be nice to think that this answers your question, but it probably doesn't.