anything i am supposed to remember, if i forget, dont blame me. Blame beer.
Oh and women for being a pain in the arse and making me drink to help ignore them
Amazing, I've been living in market street for 18 months now and never seen 'em open that late. Mind you, I've heard the drunken ****ers go past to the kebab shop enough times....
y aint we seen you down the flag yet for one of the paintball meets keep an eye out for the pub threads there wont be one this week as sparkles off jet setting but there should be the following week come down and have a beer put some names to faces theres norally about 10 -15 people from here.
No you can't not go just because I am off for some much needed r and r (I have no stap Marks, thats swim suits you bunch of perves) I will come back late teuesday so am well up for pub thurday loads of sleep later