Originally posted by stongle
Sustained 15 bps is pretty fcuking fast. I'm not sure what the uber So*Cal kidz are shoosting these days, but overhere in Blighty and Europe, very few are getting near that sustained.
I agree.
I've been preaching for yonks that people aren't getting the ROF they claim or the little LCD tells them they are...
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Like you ever doubted I wuz wrong Simon...
Wasn't doubting you. Just didn't want it to happen. I always knew FA in some form was around to stay. It's too common over here.
Originally posted by Stan
Has the insurance issue of using FA in US tournaments been sorted? I was led to believe that the insurers were less than happy (ie - you wouldn't be insured if injured by an FA marker allowed on the field by the organisers).
Not sure, but I think they are still trying to look at this as 'not really FA'.
Originally posted by Baca Loco
S'why these guns get made and offered in the first place and regardless of whether the "system" used by the NXL can actually maintain the set limits doing this would go a long way to separating the leagues further. Wanna play with your F/A gun no hassle? Play PSP!
So true. It does seem to be what the players want, and how they are playing currently.
It is customer demand that gets things like this accepted and developed further.
With this seperating the leagues I wonder if thats a good move by the PSP and will get people back? Or will it push people away?
Time will tell.
My concern, is that I don't think most players are responsible enough as it is, let alone when it becomes easier. The judges need to step up and start imposing decent over shooting penalties or...