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Tippman Custom 98 or Spyder Xtra


New Member
Jul 2, 2002
Visit site
I am having a hard time deciding which gun to buy, the Custom 98 or the Xtra. Which one do you think is better overall? Keep these factors in mind: I own a Spyder Compact 2000 and have a 16" barrel i could use for the xtra. But the custom 98 has so many upgrades and if i did get it i would probably put a flatline barrel on it. What i'm really looking for i guess is accuracy, but i also want durability. Errrrr, someone please help me!
Another question i have is does the flatline barrel greatly reduce your balls speed? Plus if equiped would the flatline be more accurate than the xtra?


Gold Mentalist
Apr 17, 2002
Isle of Man

Firstly, whatever barrel you put on, you are measuring the velocity at the muzzel, so if the FL barrel slows the ball during the travel along the barrel, you just turn it up to compensate. I have had to dodge a shot from a tippman in the outzone on one rec site , and I can tell you that it was still travelling in a straight line at the time of impact @ approx 120 yards, yes they do work well over long distance. Alas, I have seen the light and bought a Shocker now as my primary marker, and the Tippmann has been relegated to my Fun marker, But I will be buying an FL barrel for it just for the ooooo ahhhhh factor :D