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Time for a general election?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Even if a General Election was called immediately, the economic "Scorched Earth" policy employed by this government makes anything the Nazi's pulled childs play.

The worst thing is any creative lattitude we might have in legislating our way out of it will probably get the chop from the thieving cnuts in Brussels (and they make our MPs look ethical in expense fraud).


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Worryingly, the BNP vote will probably go up again this time and holding an election now would only help them to capture more voters who have lost faith in the leading parties. The people really will have something to complain about when the entire expenses budget goes on Spanish villas, Carling, 50,000 tonnes of pork scratchings, England tank-tops and gold sovereign rings.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2001
Luxembourg now
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The problem is not necessarily the MP's but the system that has systematically got out of control in the last 20 years.

MP's have not taken pay rises, to appear devout to the electorate, whilst adding allowances in a clandestine manner to 'top up' the salary deficit.

This has clearly been abused by many MP's and at this point,I will say that their salaries are very low, and should be raised, and the expenses for second homes given a cap. You become an MP and you are given a rent allowance, that covers a furnished rented appartment within London, and a travelcard. If you don''t like using public transport, as an MP they are ideally placed to change this.

Before we have a general election we need the house to be put in order, so that we know that those that do stand for election are there for the right reasons. Those that were there to try and line there pockets will soon disappear (hopefully), and accountability for public service will then take its lead from the top for the right reasons.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2001
Luxembourg now
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And as an aside, the Chancellor at the time knew (or should have done, economics is merely a set of scales that you place economic models/policies on to balance your economy)

Gordon knew full well that the lending and the subsequent debt people had was unsustainable, but by peoples wealth 'increasing' in their houses, keeping the public happy and papering over the cracks of the rest of their policies.

Again it blew up and they laid blame completely at the banks feet, which was only part of the reason, I think that they will blame all this on older administrations to devert blame, but they once again, knew full well what was going on and did nothing about it.

Doing nothing about a situation that you are fully aware of is no excuse, you are culpable alongside those that put the framework in place.
This has clearly been abused by many MP's and at this point,I will say that their salaries are very low, and should be raised, and the expenses for second homes given a cap. You become an MP and you are given a rent allowance, that covers a furnished rented appartment within London, and a travelcard. If you don''t like using public transport, as an MP they are ideally placed to change this.
Lets not forget when we invented parliament, MPs were not paid a wage.

Most of the population can live on an average wage (22K), and no expenses. So why not MPs?

If an MP took average wage and no expenses, they would have earned my vote and probably alot of other peoples too.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2001
Luxembourg now
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Fair comment John, but back then the ruling elite had family moneyt behind them, a system that also proved somewhat flawed.

If you were wealthy, but un-employable on your own merits, become a politician, hence why Guy Fawkes was the last man to enter parliment with honest intentions!!!!