I bought an air sytem of Fly a few days ago and now it appears the thread has been deleted

Unless im having a blonde moment (i'm sooo not blonde
) it most definatly seems to have vanished. So where does that leave me and my purchase? Everything was above board etc
edit: Link to link that has been deleted!! http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?143206-Air-system-amp-hopper-(pref-rotor)&p=1437767&highlight=#post1437767
Unless im having a blonde moment (i'm sooo not blonde
edit: Link to link that has been deleted!! http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?143206-Air-system-amp-hopper-(pref-rotor)&p=1437767&highlight=#post1437767