I've owned 3 old shockers now and therefore might be a little bios:
in my opinion there not as bad as poeple make them sound and when they sell for around 50/70 quid second hand i found their best (if not their only use) these days is as starter markers.
I do agree with everyone else though that it is best off saving the money and getting something better first time, than waste money climbing the 'marker ladder' if you like.
fair enough they are ugly, and their weight isn't brilliant but if that much more allumnium affects your game so badly i would recommend the local gym
though when money is thin, your young or whatever else you do have to prioritise between performance/value for money and looking good.
I've also heard a few moans about reliability in the past, but kept clean and with a correctly timed board, i've never had one let me down.
anyway thats my 2p, basic message isleave the poor war veterans aloan, save, buy something better, move on