but it does bring to mind the concept of when (or if) does abortion become murder?
at what point would a foetus stop being a bunch of organic material and start being a human that can process information and produce reactions and emotions?
Good point.
Like you said, 10-12 weeks it can process things, but to what level? (I'm not up on these things)
I had this discussion at work a while back. someone compared it to something that happened to them recently.
Their father in law collapsed and got take to ICU. he is all there, but the doctors said he will suffer another stroke/heart attack. not if, but when. Considering he cant breathe on his own this will 99% finish him off. They have to decide whether to re suss or not. What do you decide? he's all there body & mind apart from his heart. (cant get transplant cos he cant breathe on his own, and it will take a beating from another stroke & the re suss machine).
And slightly side stepping the subject. Pets, you take your pet to the vets, it has a problem, serious, do you put it down being "humane" or let it live out possibly in pain/suffering etc.
With everything, surely there has to be a "black & white" line. No matter what the outcome weigh up the pro's and cons. sometimes you have to do things for the "greater good" & consider both options.