I have been interested in the 9/11 theory for a long time now and the theory states that the whole horific incident was a inside job. There is a Video on youtube that truly, if you havnt watched it and still believe that the twin towers we're destroyed by terrorist is true, will make you open your eyes into what i think is the truth.
There is just too much information supporting the fact that america killed 1000's of its own people.
For one there is no OFFICIAL evidence AT ALL that any sort of plane hit the pentagon, no eye witnesses or video evidence.
The steel gurders used to hold builings like the Trade centre buildings from collapsing under fires e.t.c can withold up to 2000 Degrees C. theres now way any fire even Jet Aircraft Grade fuel can burn that hot to melt the structure and weaken it enough for the buildiing to collapse. If you count how long the buildings take to hit the floor its prooves, according to the rules of gravity, that the building falls down in around 10 seconds. This mean that the building is falling in COMPLETE free-fall. how is this possible? if the building was hit at the top by the aircraft then how is it possible for the building to fall in free-fall? the most common thought would think that the building would need to fall from the top in like a domino effect? There was several reports of loud bangs coming from the building which sounded like explosives this convices me that the towers we're destroyed by not the plane but another terrorist attack atleast.
Theres alot more info in the Video if you are interested check it out :
Yes it is long but its worth it.
Apparently it is link to the 'New World Order' that was posted here a few weeks ago.
so do you guys think this is a conspiracy or actual terrorist attack?
There is just too much information supporting the fact that america killed 1000's of its own people.
For one there is no OFFICIAL evidence AT ALL that any sort of plane hit the pentagon, no eye witnesses or video evidence.
The steel gurders used to hold builings like the Trade centre buildings from collapsing under fires e.t.c can withold up to 2000 Degrees C. theres now way any fire even Jet Aircraft Grade fuel can burn that hot to melt the structure and weaken it enough for the buildiing to collapse. If you count how long the buildings take to hit the floor its prooves, according to the rules of gravity, that the building falls down in around 10 seconds. This mean that the building is falling in COMPLETE free-fall. how is this possible? if the building was hit at the top by the aircraft then how is it possible for the building to fall in free-fall? the most common thought would think that the building would need to fall from the top in like a domino effect? There was several reports of loud bangs coming from the building which sounded like explosives this convices me that the towers we're destroyed by not the plane but another terrorist attack atleast.
Theres alot more info in the Video if you are interested check it out :
Yes it is long but its worth it.
Apparently it is link to the 'New World Order' that was posted here a few weeks ago.
so do you guys think this is a conspiracy or actual terrorist attack?