My friend and I are trying to get a team together. We have absolutley no clue what the **** we're doin. Normally we just play pickup games and make teams as we go along. So please help me with my thousands of questions.
1. How many people are on a team?
2. What traits are normally needed for players of a successful? team
3. How often does an average team practice?
4. What types of drills are helpful?
5. How much does an average tourney cost?
6. If i bring my own paint how much paint should i bring?
7. How long does an average tourney last?
8. In a state like minnesota what should i expect about the seriousness, skill etc. of the other team
Id appreciate it if u answered any or all of my questions
1. How many people are on a team?
2. What traits are normally needed for players of a successful? team
3. How often does an average team practice?
4. What types of drills are helpful?
5. How much does an average tourney cost?
6. If i bring my own paint how much paint should i bring?
7. How long does an average tourney last?
8. In a state like minnesota what should i expect about the seriousness, skill etc. of the other team
Id appreciate it if u answered any or all of my questions