Hey everyone. Im new to the forums so I'd like to introduce myself a bit. Im 15 and from Sunny So Cal (well its overcast most the time.) I play over at Tombstone for some fun Rec ball but mostly at SC Village in the Arena coruses which is why I have come to you. I was wondering if anyone can give me any tips about playing stock against these souped up, 20+ BPS markers. All the times that I've gone to SC with my VSC Phantom I've been constantly ragged on for being the only player on the Arena with a pump gun, if not the entire park. I've even gotten bonus balled exclusivly from Timmys and Angels because I was a stock player. Anyone have any Ideas on how to improve my playing? I mostly play front when I play within my friends for 5v5 man fun, but against other teams I somehow just cant make it up to the 40 most the time. Thanks guys.