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Tactical vest, remote lines and more. Will update regularly

Blue Beanie

I <3 Summer!!!!!
Dec 27, 2009
I am lookn for a taccy vest for my ol man. He's 6 1', 42 inch chest, relatively wide.
Needs to have a bottle pouch and at least 6 pot holding thingies
bout £20ish

an old PMR or SLG for a backup
bout £80

an X7 or similar for my dad again
bout £100

2 remote lines that can take 4500psi bottles and are decently long
bout a tenner

upgrade parts for an X7; • stock
• flatline barrel

camo kit: •Trousers (36 waist)
• shirt ( moderatly fat)
• junior size shirt

cheers Tom
my paypal is ready and I can only do paypal
plz keep in the thread