Sup air training at pointblack, Croft (Darlington) start time 10am till about 3 pm £10 entry with paint at £25 box of spank, £30 proto, £35 chronic. (or £15 BYO paint).
running drills : laning, running n gunning, snap shooting, muggin, 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-2 etc and if the numbers are enough 5-5 and so on. pm Paintball Target for details
Anyone welcome teams or solos, any skill levels.
Replies asap, cheers tom.
running drills : laning, running n gunning, snap shooting, muggin, 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-2 etc and if the numbers are enough 5-5 and so on. pm Paintball Target for details
Anyone welcome teams or solos, any skill levels.
Replies asap, cheers tom.