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Sup Air tips


Feb 16, 2002
Bucks, England
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I have never played sup air before, and i was wondering if there are any things i should look out for, and what will increase my perfomance?Im looking forward to playing it, its all a bit new 2 me, im used 2 playing woodland. Cheers 4 ur help



Dedicated Pot Bitch
Aug 23, 2001
US, Ohio
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Shoot at the guys to your sides, dont worry about the people directly in front of you(too much). Dont be afraid to move. Id type more but Im bored so I dont want to.

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
On sup'air it really depends on where you play.

There are general rules like, communication: Keep talking to your team and tell them what you see.

But front players have different things to do than a back player.

I play at the back so here is what I know.

As mentioned watch more across the field, right to left and vice versa. If both back players are doing this on one team then you see the entire play of the field and the people in front of you are already being covered. and cant get to you cause your back players are watching for you. (However that is not to say that you shouldnt look down the line as well)

As a back player you are not always looking for the elimination (however nice it may be) but are trying to keep the opposition in behind their bunker so that they dont eliminate your front players.

Some times you want to home in on one player for elimination but always when doing this keep looking around dont get tunnel vision or you will be mugged.

Again communication is the key to any game. At the back you have the best view of the field so let your front players know what is going on. they can't see much and need to know when they can move.

Practice is a good thing in paintball, and learn from your mistakes.

So now to go over to a mid and front player for advice.........;)


Active Member
Jan 12, 2002
Two major rules:

1)Communication - this is the most important part. If you know where every player on the other team are, you will be much better off. Don't be afraid to shout, it doesnt really matter if the opposition can hear you. If they do, they arent likely to move to another bunker because all of your team know where everyone is.

2) Keep tight into the bunker - No matter if your in the back or up front (especially up front tho) always keep into your bunker. You shouldnt really expose yourself or your marker unless you are going for a shot, checking the field or about to make a dash for the next bunker. Never look out the same place twice!!! If someone has seen you, he may be sitting waiting for you to show again.

Hope that helps


Shootin’ fools shootin’ fools
Oct 8, 2001
wolverhampton, UK
Originally posted by jeevusmaximus
Two major rules:

2) Keep tight into the bunker - No matter if your in the back or up front (especially up front tho) always keep into your bunker. You shouldnt really expose yourself or your marker unless you are going for a shot, checking the field or about to make a dash for the next bunker. Never look out the same place twice!!! If someone has seen you, he may be sitting waiting for you to show again.

Hope that helps
Good point but i would say sometimes you can be too tight. keep an eye on the diagonals and watch where the oposition is and judge how tight you need to be by that. if you play too tight it can restrict movement and vision when just a step back will keep you out of range and free up your movement. its very easy to run to a bunker and hug it, you often just don't need to be this tight. this is more for back players BTW.

Another thing is to vary your height that you fire at. a lot of people fire standing and expect you to do the same. do this for sure but every now and again possibly move onto your knees and fire from there. coz I bet a lot of players just aim for the head when playing and this might fool 'em for a bit(just me thinking aloud)

Also have you got rhythm? if so loose it(but still bear it in mind). it may be good on tha dance floor but on sup-air it can be bad for ya.what am I on about? well say theres a bunker with a player behind it and he pokes his head out and rattles out 5 shots, ducks back, waits and then repeats him/her self. now you notice this and realise theres a pattern forming here. so when he ducks back in you pop out and you'll know when he's about to pop out. put some pellets his way and when he pops out BLATTTTTT( stolen from batman) so remember the rhythm(and break the other players!) but don't use it as a firing pattern(keep the opposition on their toes)

I would go on about communication but I think the others have nade it clear.

But the most important rule has gotta be Have Fun!!!!!!!
Sup-air rocks and whenever I play sup I just love it! It reminds me why i play ball,to have fun!
hope this helps bud,



Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
play tight yeah, but that dont necessarily mean tryin to be a part of your bunker.Wlk your field, and you will find places where you can stand or crouch or whatever with out anyone seein you. If you can use these angles, without gettin shot, bobs your uncle. dont be afraid to push it on the break either. i gaurantee, if you get down low enough and go out fast enough you will definitely be able to get further than you thought.
But you probably dont want to pay anyy attention to me, im ****e!!
l8r buddy