Takes the pain away??????
Try getting bonus balled for 15 minutes, everyone a bouncer.
Trust me it hurts!!!!!!
The problem is the no shooting within 10 feet rule.
Imagine the scenario:- Me, Ledz, Chris Edwards, Chris Okaey and a few others go up against the members at our local phazer zone.
We break out like a normal seven man would do. The opposition run straight for us and stand next to us in the same barricade. Okay so there next to us and can't shoot us, but, as a paintballer this panicks you. So, you run on to the next barricade as you leave your primary the guy who was in there with , shoots you in spine several times as you run away. Because it goes off number of hits, you don't go out after one "hit". Plus as you're doing this amazing run of pain, one of the opposition comes up from the other side of the barricade you're running to, and beings to pump a hopper into your chest.
Now here's the question, do you run towards the guy shooting you in the chest or do you turn round go back from where you came from?
Or do you like me, just stop while your brain ( which is trying to figure out why the body attached to it is in some much pain) slows right down making rational decisions impossibland end up just standing there, getting gradually black and blue ALL OVER!!!!!!!!
But don't let me put you off, that's just my opinion.