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Stolen gear in Paris!


Cookie member
Aug 29, 2001
I don`t now if this is the right forum, but i try here.

On sunday in Paris between the semifinal and final somebody stole a bag from us. It was left right outside the pit-tent, inside the players area for the CPL, and to get inside they where strikt on checking id-cards.
Since they also played 7-man on the CPL field for the finals, there was a lot of people in there.
Somebody used that opportunity to just walk out with a big Planet Eclipse bag, with full kit, like Menace Jersey, Eclipse pants, EGO fully rigged, Halo, cellular phone, creditcards etc.
This has to be somebody from the paintball community, because they checked tag & players ID all weekend long, every time we got in there.

We thought we could trust the players/teams there, but we where so wrong.
Hope you enjoy the equipment, and feel good about yourselves..

Oslo Menace


Big Fat And A Good Shot
Apr 28, 2006
Chafford or Chavord Hundred
It was probably the french not that I hold anything against them :eek:

but was anyone else gear taken or "misplaced" at the tourny would be surprised

You say they were I D ing everyone did u recieve the I D in post someone could have made a copy of one and sneaked in posing as a playerlooking for stuff to take

Heard a few instances like this before


Big Fat And A Good Shot
Apr 28, 2006
Chafford or Chavord Hundred
yeah its total balls but when some people see something they like they dont think ill save up for that or ill get it cheap second hand there like i want it now and just think no one will notice it gone

when the person who notices is the owner these people never think of the consequences and then when something of theres gets nicked they complain

iv known a few people like this and as soon as iv found that out about them iv just given up knowing them

there not the kind of people u want to be mates with since they will just envy everything that you own and will probly take it from u

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
What a sour way to end a weekend, especially after the way you guys played. Good luck finding the kit, the security was much better for the pits (apart from I didn't have my ID card friday :eek: and so had to buy a new one), however on the sunday it became very lax as they were'nt checking every card as strictly as the previous days.

Oh and if anybody found a Laysick hoodie in black with white Method writing on it, or one of the draxxus team t-shirts with Copenhagen Ducks on it, please let me know as I would like them back :)


Jul 12, 2005
in a hole!!
Visit site
I fear that security was not as tight as you would expect from a Millenium event, I know for a fact that non-players without ID bands and cards were able to get though into the players area. As i was working at the event myself and was able to get into the tech area with my ID or band.

Sorry to hear that some scum bag bought a real down to a great event for you guys.


Big Fat And A Good Shot
Apr 28, 2006
Chafford or Chavord Hundred
we should bring back burning at the steak for finding people who steal this stuff

i mean if i was like a comp game or a phone its not so bad

but we put our souls and skills into theses guns be it an impulse, a spyder or a DM 06 it still has meaning to us

thats why wheneva i get a gun i make custom marks on it or bits that would make it easy to pick out from the crowd

Nick Brockdorff

New Member
Jul 9, 2001
burning at the steak
That reminds me - I'm having stake for dinner tonight :)

Seriously.... it amazes me that paintballers will steal from eachother, and brings me back to an idea we talked about in here a couple of years ago - the MS setting up a guarded area where players can sign in their luggage while they play.... and only get it out again against showing their player ID.
