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Staying in and shooting players


PainTBall DOes ThiS To Me
Jan 31, 2002
uk near a Tower
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Hi there
I have started to play this wonderfull game again but i seem to find i have 2 styles of play .

1.Run off the break as far foward as poss get to my bunker now once i am there i never have any lanes to shoot so to get a hit is hard and its either stay in or try to get players out and risk my-self which is when i normally get taken out .

Right so i tryed a diff approach

2.Stay back off the break get into a back bunker right now i have better lanes a nice feild of play but i find it a bit boring at the back so the minute i move i get tagged :(

So my Q is how the hell do you stay in the game as-well as tagging the other team O by the way this is Woodland walk ons not sup-air



Watch this space!
Jul 6, 2001
Manchester, UK
I presume you consider yourself as a front player more than a back player? If you are, then no way do you want to be near the back.

You should find that the further you run off the break the better angles you have on the opposition.

Also, if you find your getting tagged whilst you come out to fire just stay in your cover, instead of trying to mark someone, and take the heat for a while. This should allow your other team mates to move up elsewhere on the field.

Make sure there is somebody behind you, backing you up though, as if your in a key baricade someone may try to mug you.

Hope this helps


New Member
Apr 12, 2002
Jersey baybe!
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Htting a bunker with a good position right off the break is key. Your not hitting the right bunkers of you have no lanes to shoot. What you need to do is walk the field so you can see what lanes areopen from the bunkers on the field.


Lord of the Ringtones
When you walk the field, plan the route that you want to take and figure out who on the field will be shooting at you while you're on your way and try to minimize the size of the lane through which they can see and shoot at you. Then you figure out when you get there where your first immediate threat is, usually whoever you also happen to have an angle on yourself, and be certain to shoot at them first. From there figure out an order of which positions to shoot at in order of their ability to shoot at you and your advancing teammates. Be aware of where they want to go and what is in their way of doing so. COMMUNICATE AND LISTEN CONSTANTLY! Always carry enough paint, too.


Team Valkyr
Apr 26, 2002
Arizona, USA
well i have found that as you are waiting for the game to start, take a look at your surroundings, and watch your enemies if you can see them. they do the stupidest stuff like point to where theyre going to show other teammates where theyll be covering. try to get to a boundary and walk down that so your enemies range to attack you in is limited. anything you do, you should always try to bring one or two other players in case you get in a predicament you wont be as overpowered. if it is a large area, take the boundary or find a bunker with plenty of vantage points. just rememeber, another person and backup are good keys to win. COMMUNICATION is above all the most important. with no communication, you dont know whats going on in areas you cant see. i've heard of 2-way radios used but yelling is fine in battle situations. good luck hope this helps a little


I Kick You in the Nuts!
Mar 24, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Meet with your team mates before the break and tell them what I'm gonna tell you:
Make some sort of code to put fire on all of the bunkers that are being occupied. When I see nobody currently firing and I want to move up, I'll yell "Lay it down!", and my team would proceed to put fire on the bunkers. If your 'mates have been listening to the back players, they'll know the general direction to fire in. Just be careful not to get in one of thier firing paths, heh heh heh.