It has come to my attention that someone, for whatever reasons of their own has been putting it about that STAAR WARS the scenario has been cancelled.
This is NOT true. Everything is going ahead as planned.
I have no idea why this individual started this rumor and quite frankly I don't really care. I have far better things to be doing with my time, however I think it would be a great shame for one mindless idiot to spoil the fun for a lot of people.
So unless you hear it personally from Sparklie at Diablo or Gillie at 6E...don't believe everything you hear.
I believe Sparklie is sending out the info packs in the immediate future and if anyone's got any queries please don't hesitate to contact us.
This is NOT true. Everything is going ahead as planned.
I have no idea why this individual started this rumor and quite frankly I don't really care. I have far better things to be doing with my time, however I think it would be a great shame for one mindless idiot to spoil the fun for a lot of people.
So unless you hear it personally from Sparklie at Diablo or Gillie at 6E...don't believe everything you hear.
I believe Sparklie is sending out the info packs in the immediate future and if anyone's got any queries please don't hesitate to contact us.