im pretty strong n a good shot, so weight doesnt matter but is there any real difference in performance between the stainless steel or aluminum bigshots, im not looking for stealth, everyone knows where i am at neways, plz help
Correct me if i'm wrong but i've been led to believe that stainless is more accurate as it has a smoother surface, however it is heavier, more expensive and it can't be annodised (i think it looks nicer anyway). The most important factor is paint to barrel match, that is why so many good players now use freak or pro-lyte sets where the bore of the back half is adjustable. Hope that helps...
I don't think there is any performance difference. Aluminum barrels are usually 'micropolished' as well. The difference is purely weight, durability, appearance, etc. I prefer the aluminum, more or less because of the weight.