I would have loved to have posted these piccys as I told Baco but
Baco saw fit to trash an other wise harmless thread .............. old news.
thought it was intererly far to hedonistic to just post scantily cald piccy of my self and steph for the hell of it.
It would be irrelivant, were as if, in context as they should be posted being part of fun summer tourney they weren't out of keeping. cooks dose cone head I rest my case dodgie being a perve ect.
Fun being the word and I did threaten to wear the bikni ( pink camo) appropriate for hot weather at paintball site. Especially due to curent spate of water fights breaking out at maidenhead for no apparent reason
Lol who's water pistols boys ?
poor steph is all I can say she was horror struck
sparklie staying out of shot