In order to make sure that buying or selling an item through this website as safe and hassle free as possible, here are some hints and tips. Guys, feel free to add your own tips as long as they are sensible. Nonsense will be removed.
- When buying something, make sure you buy your gear from a trusted seller. Look to see if the seller has a feedback thread, most reputable sellers are Platinum members and have one of these threads. If the seller is not a Plat or has very little feedback (because he has not made any sales before for instance), ask him for contact details of known forum members that can vouch for him.
- When selling something, do not send your items before money has been received.
- Expensive items, such as markers should always be sent recorded delivery. You know it makes sense.
- If at all possible, try to do business face to face. That way nothing can go wrong.
- When buying something, make sure you buy your gear from a trusted seller. Look to see if the seller has a feedback thread, most reputable sellers are Platinum members and have one of these threads. If the seller is not a Plat or has very little feedback (because he has not made any sales before for instance), ask him for contact details of known forum members that can vouch for him.
- When selling something, do not send your items before money has been received.
- Expensive items, such as markers should always be sent recorded delivery. You know it makes sense.
- If at all possible, try to do business face to face. That way nothing can go wrong.