are these two markers any good? im thinking about getting one, but im not sure which. which is better quality/performs better? which would be worth the money?
smart parts are good in english weather where as DM / PM chop in the cold the only thing i bad about the shocker but mostly the epiphany its pickey on what paint it shoots where a DM / PM will shoot any paint you put in it .
I found some paint problems with my old SFT shocker but using my newer NXTs they will shoot anything. I have fired probably 100s of thousands of balls through my Russian Legion shocker since I got it and have had about 5 breaks using a variety of paint some of which has been in my shed for a number of months and still shot fine. Which is a hell of a lot better than my old SFT. I am not sure why! maybe the break beams or something but it certainly runs very nicely.