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SLG Ultralight... is it worth it?


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2008
Hello all!

I'v been browsing around for a spooler esq gun to use as im currently shooting a ego which i love.

I'm not saying i don't like my ego, theres a certain smoothness of the firing can with a spoolie over the loud poppet of the ego, and also the balls seem to group just a little more consistantly.

I'v been looking at DM9's, the new LUXE's(which are both too expensive for a student!), PM8 (Like the feel of this, but its double the price :p), DM8's(don't like the purge under the barrel) and now the SLG Ultralight, which i find myself attracted to because of its price, feedneck, weight, UL barrel, reg and the cool look of it!

Now the question here is is the SLG UL @£200 worth it now that i have a top range gun? If so will I keep going back to this gun in the future with a big smile on my face every time i pull it out of my kitbag? will it have a long longevity to it?

The gun does everything you need a gun to do, shoot 12bps @ 295(ish)fps, do i need any to buy an upgraded board or would it just be a waste of the stock board?

Can I get some opinions from people who have owned an SLG UL or people with experiences with one during their lives please. Its a rather fetching gun and a steal at that price


Active Member
May 27, 2008
Hi mate I doubt you will find many people who have experience with the new Slg's as I think they have only just been released. Will the marker act as a back up to your ego? Also a point to mention, I could be wrong but a little googling will solve it, but I think the UL frame is made of composite plastic, not metal. It does look a nice gun on paper, but then again you have an ego which surely beats the SLG hands down on all accounts.
If you really want a spool valve marker why not go for something like a pm7? I upgraded from a PMR to a PM7 and could not be happier; on the second hand market you could grab one for £150 if you search hard enough.


Marcus Geezer

Platinum Member
I agree with what matey said above. SLG although nice you pay for what you get. I have owned a PM6, have a PMR as backup, and use a PM7 with ul frame as my main. Lovely bit of kit. Never fired an SLG in anger but a guy on the team had one and although did what it said on the tin doesnt quite match up to the 'feel' and efficiency of the more expensive markers.

You didnt say what EGO you have but I would offer it is prob gonna serve you better than an SLG, ul framed or not. If your looking for a shiny new toy from the Dye or Proto range I would sugest you spend your money as advised, on a PM7 with ul frame, or add a bit extra and get a PM8.....


Feb 20, 2006
I'm not saying i don't like my ego, theres a certain smoothness of the firing can with a spoolie over the loud poppet of the ego, and also the balls seem to group just a little more consistantly.
Your kidding right ?
Not sure if it was youself or your bro, borrowed my sl66 for half the day at our trainning weekend.
A marker is as consistant as and how often its owner maintains it. Finding the right Settings play a major part.


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2008
Straight out of the box with a .693bore on my 08 the balls start curling downwards, only bought a unitech barrel this week and yes it does shoot straighter, but over range i cannot get the same accuracy as a pm8 or dm9. trying to gunfight 3/4 over a field with my ego is highly ineffective. the closer i get to them the more of a noise they'll hear if i open up on them. I'm looking for a quiet, light, accurate marker, my arms arn't made to carry cannons, just pimp pistols ;)

Thanks for ideas about the PM7 with UL frame, that sounds like a good plan. Second hand PM8's sound like a good idea also! i'll trowel through the selling section, I remember seeing some awhile back