Hermitt, from what I can gather about the Slam bolt, it's a bit of a tinkerers bolt. The evolve seems to be more of a "set and forget" bolt (and yes, I'm trademarking that phrase
For someone with your tech record, I'd go for the evolve, despite your inclination to tinker...
Or you could get both, and when you decide you can't get the slam working properly, sell it on to me
You'll get a bit more kick than the stock bolt (the way it works is by reducing the shot chamber, which needs a bit more pressure to get teh same velocity) but many more shots out.
Either that or we could give the ghetto top hat mod a go (probably best to wait after the weekend tho - El Capitan will kill us if we tinker with kit at a tourney).
For more info there's the aardvark section of matrixowner, and also the forums on aardvarkdirect.com