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Skirmish Nottingham 5 man limited paint


New Member
Jul 15, 2001
robin hood country
Visit site
:D The final leg of the Skirmish Nottingham 5 man ltd Diablo series
will be held on Sunday 17 th January 2002 Same time ,same channel, same price, £59.00 per player inc 10'000 paint per team, Free lunch,CO2 & refreshments & prizes donated by Diablo. Hope to see u all there.. to book Ring the office on
0800 3282785 during office Hours:)

One team allready entered is B.W.C which includes the following players

Big Ian
Bruther Marlon
Twinkle Toes
Ben the Beer Monster

We need Help/training/advice/insperation/luck & beer, before we fly the pond to the Mardi Gras:D

Big Ian

New Member
Jul 8, 2001
Robin Hood Country
Visit site
Nick, I take it then that I am playing and not marshalling on Thursday 17th January 2002 :confused:

I don't mind, but we might not get many teams midweek :D

I take it you mean Sunday 20th January 2002, 3 days before we fly out.

I don't think anybody noticed the "deliberate mistake". If they did, we will just blame the Office Totty. :D :D :D

Big Ian

P S Did you realise that it means I will be playing tournament paintball twice in one month ? That is nearly as many times as I played in all of 2001 !:eek:

P P S We don't need help, training, advice, inspiration, luck or beer, we need someone who can proof read. :p :p :p