Ok, here's the deal.
From now on Skirmish Bristol will be running a Loyalty scheme for Walkon players.
Our regular Walkons will be Free to players as long as they comply with two basic criteria on the day, and are regular players (how this is decided I will deal with in a moment).
The free entry will be for players who use site paint only, and the first box of paint must be paid in advance of the game (before Thursday 5pm). If you use any of your own the full (£25) entry fee will apply
Regular players will be regarded as those who played at last month's walkon or have attended 2 out of the last three months walk ons.
What's the catch? none I hope, just trying to put a bit back in, and make sure that our walkon sundays stay busy enough that I can justify doing them to my partners.
are we going to put ht price of our paint up? not at the moment, and we have no intention of doing so, but if the price to us goes up, then so must the price to you.
so at the moment, standard paint is £30 a box, some alternatives at slightly more expensive.
also for this month only, everyone can be a regular, so if you've not tried us so far, or havent seen us for a while, come up on the 7th, which will save you money this month, and may even save you a lot more in the long run.
I hope you guys like this, and we will look forward to seeing you.
Bookings can only be made during normal office hours 9.00 till 5.30 Monday to Friday Remembering the Thursday 5pm cut off guys.