hi dave try to help.
yes booga did come down and bring jeeves the air system
Jeves very happy paintballer now.
Booga and I went for a walk in the woods
no showed him round the site were hyperballs going and what else is going on ect.
I can't belive you guys have not even seen woodland at a bridge I know you only play sup air........... but.
Smart parts planet ect will all have molly cote I don't know off hand which thinkess I have. I will check at the week end
Accademy was cool lots of new faces getting in to the sport not too busy so lots of time to sepnd with them.
Good day in all and sunny finnally T- shirt weather so has to be good.
My young guns were doing some more traing too and it's great to see them getting better
See you in the middle or by a tea urn some were ps if your up for it 5 man 2nd of june I will send you an info pack
peace love and cookies