Shoreline Trip to Veckring Big Game France 2012
We would like to release the details for our 2012 Shoreline Trip to the Veckring Big Game France.
If you've never played paintball overseas before, now is your chance. A short trip that requires very little time off work, to a well established European Big Game at a price that doesn't hurt the pocket and.............its an infamous Shoreline Road Trip!! We've even included your paint!
Full trip details can be found on http://www.shorelineoutdoor.com in the 'Travel' Section
Depart Friday May 4th
Return Monday May 7th (Bank Holiday)
You can pay as a single payment of £350 or...........and check this out..............you can spread the cost between now and the middle of March with just £50 to put down now!!
Payment Schedule:
By 15th January - £50
By 15th February - £150
By 15th March - £150
Strictly limited to 32 places - first come first served.
This limit will not be going up as it is dictated by the number of seats we have on the buses.
What you get for your money
- Return journey from UK to Veckring including all fuel and tolls
- Channel crossing
- 3 nights in hotel
- 2 day game ticket
- 1 box of paint
- Some free beer for the journey - courtesy of Shoreline!
What you don't get
- Food
- Drink
Who is Shoreline Travel Ltd?
Shoreline Travel Ltd is part of Shoreline Paintball. To our knowledge, we are the only company in the world who specialise in overseas trips for paintballers.
We have run trips to the USA for the past five years as well as trips to France, Croatia and Belgium. Our job is to make your trip effortless - that's what you pay us for. We smooth through all the legalities regarding the transportation of HPA and markers and take care of all admin and organisation. All you need to do it turn up with your gun, toothbrush and a spare pair of Y-fronts and we take care of the rest. We've taken hundreds of players all over the world in the last few years so you are in good hands.
Shoreline trips to Oklahoma D-Day, Veckring, Paris, Agimont and Croatia are characterised by extremely slick organisation as well as bucket loads of fun. Players have made friends for life on our trips and there are always loads of stories to tell when you get back.
For this trip, we'll possibly be making a short stop off at a point of interest from WWII on the way back.
Why Veckring?
Veckring is one of only two or three major events in Europe. It is one of the most established with interesting playing areas and most major Euro teams present. Our trip will be buddying up with Euro teams like the Jackals, Madball, NLD, Silverbacks, Woodfarm and Dragon Pack.
The Veckring Big Game is well attended (over 1500 players) with teams from Germany, Holland, France and Belgium all heavily represented.
Travelling times
We'll be leaving on Friday morning at about 10am from Campaign Paintball near Cobham where travellers are welcome to park their cars (at your own risk). It'll take less than 2 hours to get to the channel crossing. Once in Calais, the travelling time from Calais to Veckring is only 5 hours or so. So travel times are reasonable.
Rooms will be three sharing and will be allocated in advance. The hotel is about 20 minutes from site.
So there you have it. Your chance to travel overseas and play on French soil and you'll only need to take one day off work (Monday is a bank holiday). If playing on foreign soil is missing off your paintball CV - now is the time to put that right! You only need to put £50 down now and can spread the cost of the rest of the trip between now and March. Everything except food and drink is included - even a box of paint!
But - places are limited to only 32 - and that will not be changing - so you'll need to move fast (i.e. right now!!) as we expect the trip to sell out very quickly.
Full trip details can be found on http://www.shorelineoutdoor.com in the 'Travel' section which is also where you can purchased tickets.
Below are two videos. One is taken from the last Shoreline Travel Trip (the one to Croatia) and the other is a promo video for the Veckring Big Game.
Are we there yet?