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Shipping markers to portugal

Tristan B

London Tigers 2
Dec 20, 2008
hey guys just a quick question for the legal boffins

Can you legally ship/import Paintball markers into Portugal?

I ask this because i know certain countries have certain rules in regards to there import laws, and i dont wanna ship a marker over there only to find a PM from the buyer that they havnt recived it or the countries customs informing me they have impounded or destroyed the marker.

cheers guys.


Jan 5, 2009
Even though the UK doesn't share the same currency, it belongs to the EU. Quoting Wikipedia: In European Union law, the Four Freedoms is a common term for a set of treaty provisions, secondary legislation and court decisions, protecting the ability of goods, services, capital, and labour to move freely within the internal market of the European Union. More precisely, they are: * The free movement of goods; * The free movement of persons (and citizenship), including free movement of workers, and freedom of establishment; * The free movement of services; * The free movement of capital. Basically its an open market. Importing from outside these countries is a bit more tricky. Especially anything paintball related. Portugal is by far the worse country to import markers or accessories to. I know :p