To the fold...
In the wake of Toulouse, PGI Sharks have picked up Jamie ‘Sloth’ Brandon and Adam ‘Beard’ Stocks from Campaign Power. Sharks captain Andy Piper commented, “With that hippy twat Pailey going traveling again in September we needed another front player, and Jamie was top of our list: he’s fast, fearless and has a big future in the game. Beard is none of those things, but since he does the Millennium draw we figured we should pick him up so he could get us easy divisions…”
In the wake of Toulouse, PGI Sharks have picked up Jamie ‘Sloth’ Brandon and Adam ‘Beard’ Stocks from Campaign Power. Sharks captain Andy Piper commented, “With that hippy twat Pailey going traveling again in September we needed another front player, and Jamie was top of our list: he’s fast, fearless and has a big future in the game. Beard is none of those things, but since he does the Millennium draw we figured we should pick him up so he could get us easy divisions…”