I've been play Crackdown most of today (thank you amazon) and just before I call it a day I thought i'd beat IGN and tell you a trick that'll impress your friends and make to game a little easier.
The Rubberduck is the most powerful grenade in the game (as far as I know). It is remote detonated and sticks to pretty much anything and makes a very annoying quaking noise.
To unlock the duck you need to play the game "Chunk's Ducks 2" on facebook, click the on/off switch at the bottom which will open a pop-up to let you sign in via Windows Live (your Xbox Live profie will appear at the bottom right when you have), play the game untill it says you've unlocked a gift in the game. Now play Crackdown and head to the fair ground (where the fairest wheel is) look for the "Chuck's Ducks" stall, pick up a duck floating inside run to a drop off point to save it in your inventory and your done.
Oh I just want to point out the fair ground is heavily guarded and you cannot trade the duck to other players online.
The Rubberduck is the most powerful grenade in the game (as far as I know). It is remote detonated and sticks to pretty much anything and makes a very annoying quaking noise.
To unlock the duck you need to play the game "Chunk's Ducks 2" on facebook, click the on/off switch at the bottom which will open a pop-up to let you sign in via Windows Live (your Xbox Live profie will appear at the bottom right when you have), play the game untill it says you've unlocked a gift in the game. Now play Crackdown and head to the fair ground (where the fairest wheel is) look for the "Chuck's Ducks" stall, pick up a duck floating inside run to a drop off point to save it in your inventory and your done.
Oh I just want to point out the fair ground is heavily guarded and you cannot trade the duck to other players online.