Originally posted by Davo
Some months back now Robbo was vindicating the tactic of not entering '2 bit' tournies in favour of training, training and more training.
I could not help but notice but 'Nexus' Teams in whatever guise have attended recently both the Midland Masters and Series 2003 events. Whilst I am in no way intimating that these tournies are 2 bit in any way, shape or form but why has the big man changed his regime??
I personally think it is fantastic that Nexus are showing off their highly skillfull and tactically adept play to us everyday tourney ballers who will probably never get to see them in a big millenium style tourney but....................... why the change of heart Pete ? just curious!
Also what other tournies have you scheduled for the rest of the year, apart from the biggies??
When I started out with Nexus, the first thing I had to do was to deconstruct their previous games, I could not achieve this in any way, if we played in small tournaments.
Basically, as soon as the guys would have gone onto that field I would have lost control of them.
I needed to have them on the field in front of me, with me being able to stop any games at any time for there to be any consistent deconstruction and subsequent reconstruction.
All the bad habits had to be targeted out of their games and the job still hasn't been done but that first few months were crucial in changing the mindset of the players.
They all had to accept a new regime of learning and to an extent, leave behind them all they had learnt before.
They accepted this with hardly any moans or groans, they just got on with the job in hand and that was to try and learn as much as possible in such a short period of time.
Now the reason why we played the recent five-man (with both our teams playing with only four players) was because we just needed to get some field time in and our normal training site was unavailable and I was away in Rome, so it was a convenient practice day run out for us.
We weren't trying to be flash or anything else, we just needed all 8 players there to play as many games as possible, we didn't have enough players for two five man teams and too many for one, so the answer was to put two four man teams in thus ensuring all of the players played every possible game.
As for the 7-man at Uttoxter, we had to play at least one 7 man to try and get the team playing together before we went to Vegas as we only trained amongst ourselves up until then and never had an opportunity to run out as a seven man.
We have now gotten the team to a point, where the mindset has been changed sufficiently where I can now look at playing certain tournaments that fall into place with the NPPL events we got coming up, as well as playing against teams like Kelly's, Twisted and a few more besides at Nottingham.
So no real u-turns for anybody to gloat over, we are just taking a slightly different route from when we started out on a frikkin long road.