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Returning to the sport ...ish


Sep 8, 2007
Ok guys I have been AWOL since 2008 basically wanted to know what's changed!?

Looking at getting bak into bigger events at the moment an see where it goes.

Soo markers from 07/08 seem very cheap are the egos still standing from that time or are the second hand ones all crippled by now? What's the deal with the new empire axe? Is it just a revamped mini? What haves to .50 revolution? What's the state of the torny scene at the min?

Any major revolutions in the past 4 years?

Fill me in ha! Cheers guys


Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
To answer your questions in the order they were put:-

1. Avoid 07/08 Egos - spares are becoming scarce. If you want a good budget gun, ETEK 3's are around £190.

2. Axe owners like them. Try one if you like - as with all guns, it's personal taste.

3. 50 cal has recently been reborn under the JT Splatmaster banner, and is being marketed as a lower velocity, low impact way into the sport for kids. Which is a good idea.

4. Tournaments have not changed in format much - Masters & CPPS are still going, the latter now under the command of Ainsley from the Lucky 15's. Ains is investing a lot of time & money into rebuilding his site over the off-season, so his 2013 events should be something to behold.

5. The PSP & the NPPL are still rolling in the USA, as is the MS in Europe.

6. The new UWL (woodsball league) in the UK promises to be interesting.

To sum up, as Matt Marshall once said - "No maps, and few Generals".


Sep 8, 2007
Cheers guys! Sooo not so much has changed hey well that makes it easier to to think about! Cheers for info! Shame theres not more spares for the older egos kicking around! There goes that plan! Just need to rearm for the big games now bring on Normandy and the fort game sounds fun!