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Response Trigger or E-grip? (A-5)


Mmmmm. Fattening...
Mar 12, 2013
South Wales UK
I know this is an old old argument, but the main thing I would like to know is which of these would be best for things like walk on days? I'm planning on going to warped big game and other events this year but am concerned that a response trigger might get me stopped and as it's the cheaper and I'm on a budget it is more appealing to me.

Unfortunately, I am not on a budget which would allow for buying both.

Does anyone have any experience of this or have any information?

Thanks for stopping by!



Leicestershire Paintballer
Apr 9, 2014
response trigger all the way for me... i have the A5 with response and i can adjust the trigger to suit how much pressure the trigger needs for rapid fire. and i like how i can feel the trigger push out when shooting so i have full control of what the guns doing.

Also with my local sites, sometimes they don't let auto's play with the public. when i get this i can turn the trigger off and they know it cant be turned on unless i have a screwdriver

BUT... it does use more air to run response trigger. the A5 is generally hungry on air (due to cyclone feed + response if u have it) i have noticed it when using mine with and without.

hope this helps.


At the cutting edge of cocking about
Dec 31, 2014
Southport, UK
Must admit, the response trigger is looking more appealing to me.
From what I've read, the E-trigger doesn't operate how you would expect. Rather than simply choosing a firing mode and the trigger activating said mode; it fires a safety single shot first, you release trigger, pull trigger again, and then the desired amount of paint is released. That would get on my nerves.


UK Angel Owner
RT's where my choice 10 years ago as i didn't need to mess about with batteries and stuff just air up and off you go. a couple of tiny issues with them compared to E-Grips is the tiny O-Ring that sits on the top of the grip frame can be a trifle annoying as if it has the slightest of damage when putting the frame on the body the RT will leak and won't work, setting up the sweet spot can be an air hungry exercise however once it is set up its happy days as we use to push out around 15-20bps with a good sweet spot. also it may be advisable to upgrade the ratchet in the cyclone as we seemed to go through a lot of them wearing pretty quickly after the RT's were fitted

Ash Richardson

New Member
Apr 18, 2015
I love the repose trigger it's fairly easy to use and once set right it hell a million times over! - as said above it does get a tad air greedy! So do bare that in mind when buying a bottle


Mar 3, 2007
E-grip with APE Rampage board all the way!! I had a decent setup with this and a JCS double trigger. I made a rivet button mod for it too so you didn't need a tool to change the mode.
Make sure you upgrade your cyclone with squishy paddles, QEPH valve and better ratchet. Get a spare piston pump / upgrade too at some point,
Zero Kick hammer and spring kit would also vastly improve the A5 handling
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